You don't really need to buy the training - all you need is a Chiv book, and the rest is easy. Offer a blue a couple thousand gold to buy you one and bring it back (surely you know one person that still has a blue).
Close wounds, cleanse by fire, and remove curse all are castable by humans at 0 real (20 from JOAT), and close wounds can be cast at 0 even by an elf. Any of the shrines in Fel will also take tithing (that is, if you can tithe as a red - never been one, to know).
It shouldn't take you more than a few thousand tithing points (0 if wearing 100% LRC, but you need to put at least 50 into tithing for emergencies, as LRC for chiv only works if you have the minimum real tithing in your tithing points, even if the points not used) to get to the point you'd get from buying it. You can use jewelry to raise Chivalry up to use spells more effectively for training, then remove as needed.
Or, if you have a blue character on the same account, go buy the skill & book with them, get a soulstone fragment, put the skill on the frag, and put the book and frag in a pouch. Take the blue to some out of the way fel place that no one would look, drop the pouch, then take the blue home and retrieve the pouch with the red.