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[Discussion] Red Dryad Sandals?


Stratics Veteran
I was looking up a few of my rares and all the info I can find about Dryad Sandals say they should be a dark reddish brown. This pair has always looked Brownish-greenish to me, in 2d or EC. Here are two views from CC. I am curious about the color, as I wouldn't describe these as any shade of red. Anyone seen a pair? Were they exceptional as well?

Dryad Sandals.jpg white background.jpg


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
Manfred, mine are almost an identical match to yours. Exceptional tag, color, all of it. Every pair that I have ever encountered were this same color. Were by chance did you see the reference to them being red?


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
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That is interesting. He's probably referring to the ones I own and are on my site. I hadn't seen any that are greenish. I use CC. Message me when you get a chance please, I would like to meet up and get a hue id check on it, if you are willing. 111891022

-Lady Deca


Stratics Veteran
WootSause, on this rares link http://ultimaonlinerares.com/items/rares/event-items/842/dryad-sandals- was really what I based my question off of. I found one forum discussing them but they didn't have near the details of uorares.
They(edit:the sandals in the link above) look like horned sandals to me. That link says the hue id is #1509 but I'm pulling #1445 R:88 G:96 B:40 out of pincos. I'm on Pacific if you would like to get your own id of them Lady Deca
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Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
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Thank you... hopefully we can get someone who might have been there at the event, or got the sandals themselves who might know whether two colors dropped or if one was altered.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
mine are green, not a hint of red..... long time ago, when dryad sandals were put up for sale, didn't people actually call them that...? "green Dryad sandals"...? seem to remember that distinction tho honestly I don't recall ever seeing "red Dryad sandals" for sale..... very confusing


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
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Ty guys, wootsauce is probably correct. Why anyone would want to dye a rare is beyond me ^-^. I would like to grab a high quality pic from you manfred. If you have icq please message me, or let me knowhow to find you pls.


Stratics Veteran
I'd be happy to meet up Lady Deca, 126156483 I'm on pac near the city gate of tokuno. Great site btw.