I've wondered this, since the ore spots were randomised.
Back when they were fixed, it made sense for people to recall to specific spots.
Right after the randomisation, it made a little sense, since people would be set in their ways,
But now... I can't see a logical reason for it. If you're doing it without scripting, then it strikes me that the recalling part of it would actually be considerably more of an inconvenience than walking 8 steps.
But, I hate cheating accusations, especially without all the facts...
So, is there something I'm missing about recall mining?
Back when they were fixed, it made sense for people to recall to specific spots.
Right after the randomisation, it made a little sense, since people would be set in their ways,
But now... I can't see a logical reason for it. If you're doing it without scripting, then it strikes me that the recalling part of it would actually be considerably more of an inconvenience than walking 8 steps.
But, I hate cheating accusations, especially without all the facts...
So, is there something I'm missing about recall mining?