This Building is being held by the Britannian Architect's Foundation. Please do not call a GM about it. Now I will swear on a stack of Bibles that was not the sign just couple weeks ago when I was hunting seeds and berries around here.What does the sign say? Can't really see it to well...
This castle has been there for Years, not a recent placement, so has to be another reason why its been taken over by EA. I'm like George when I see things like this and just wonder whats up.There was some kind of exploit years ago that allowed people to build houses in swamp areas they were not allowed to build in. These kinds of houses popped up all over and were gotten illegally so the GMs announced that they were confiscating all of them. That is all I can remember about it, but there were a ton of them on Atlantic that I remember them grabbing up...
Hunter Moon [HOT] Atlantic
1. There's one that still stands on Baja:One on Baja too. Been there for ages. Same title on the house.