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[Selling] really nice -20 Mage weap

  • Thread starter rockkandy
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0


First things first this is on lake superior

dull copper mace

50 hit lower defence
-20 Mage weap
13 defence chance inc
40 damage inc
no neg fast cast

Taking serious offers. Will post a running high bid


First of good luck hope it sells well,

Second, i wouldnt hold out hope of 100's mills, wrong mods for a mage weap(imho). HLA, and a hit spell you would be in the money!!!(most tank mages dont need the -20pen and most mage weap users wont really need HLD or HCI after all they dont use it for attack :))

Edit: you havent posted, i hope that SC no pen?


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
First of good luck hope it sells well,

Second, i wouldnt hold out hope of 100's mills, wrong mods for a mage weap(imho). HLA, and a hit spell you would be in the money!!!(most tank mages dont need the -20pen and most mage weap users wont really need HLD or HCI after all they dont use it for attack :))

Edit: you havent posted, i hope that SC no pen?
How do you figure it's not worth alot? -20 magery with DCI and no SC pen. That's worth a good bit.


last one I had almost exactly like it without hld sold for 53.5 if that gives a little insight as to the amnt I'm shooting for


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ya it may not have a FC penalty, but its not spell channeling either. If its not spell channeling its not worth much.