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Really low HP pet Training


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
OK i've used the other methods of training for pets and the "pairing" ect...

Now do any of you have any good mobs to train a pet with 50hp on?
Even using another pet to tank, the mobs seem to refocus on the little one for no apparent reason now?

Caitlyn Snow

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
I’ve never trained anything with lower than 100. Above 100 is run consume and spam vet heals. I would also refrain from training their skills until after because when they died their skills took a hit. It allowed me (on crazed mage) train them relatively quick. I had a second tamer there if the pet died to hurry and grab the Aggro. My giant beetle died about 20plus Times but got it from 1 to 5 slots in a little over 2 hours

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I Hate Skilling
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Stratics Legend
Crazy mage only changes targets when HP is low. Use a tank and it will gain.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
When i use a tank, the tank constantly takes the gains and i may get one gain every half hour for the weak pet.
Is there nothing to solo train a weak pet on? Am i stuck to killing 1000's polar bears?? ;)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A few things to try that have worked for me:

Raise low pet stamina by fighting normal / same type mobs to 125 - hit rate is part of the problem

Make sure the tank is not hitting the mob you are trying to gain from - stop+stay then follow

Discorded Wind Elemental has never let me down, it is slow but reliable.

The other option is to throw in at Navrey while others tank (assuming you're on Atlantic and can benefit from the hole).

Let me know if you find something else that works.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The only thing so far that has been slow and reliable are the Ornatoids at the East Settlement in Ter Mur.......very rarely you find one that gives "fairly" instead of "slightly"
.......just don't stray too close to the Night terrors, that's just laughable ;)


Stratics Veteran
I usually use the two pet method with an Allosaurus (drag into village). Use a non AOE pet to tank, it will sometimes switch target but usually only when its hp get low.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The only thing so far that has been slow and reliable are the Ornatoids at the East Settlement in Ter Mur.......very rarely you find one that gives "fairly" instead of "slightly"
.......just don't stray too close to the Night terrors, that's just laughable ;)
Raise the untrained pets Wrestling and Tactics. It is not hitting the mage.


One of the last Rangers of Skara Brae
Stratics Veteran
I noticed that I could not take my Beetle at 100HP to Crazed Mage until it had 90 Wrestling and even then, gains were slow because the Beetle just couldn't hit him. That was until a Bard came and Dischorded the Mage and I finished Slot 1 in under 30 minutes. This was while someone else tanked on their Firemare.

Getting Beetle up to 90 Wrestling took a few hours. I started with Earth Ele's in Haven and moved to Orcs, then Arctic Ogres, but I probably could have just pulled a Shadow Ele from my miner instead. I think I'll do that next time. Last I checked, those things had about 60-70 Wrestling.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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If your pet has low Wrestling/Tactics under 40 or 50 I go to Haven kill everything there in old Haven... From 50 to 70 go to the Waste outside Zento and kill bugs and orcs... after 70 go to the mines and attack the shadow elementals...


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
Vorpal bunnies are not horrible and anything can hit them. Dread pirates the same but you need a tank pet and they give the large gains. Of course DPs require a ship, cannons, fuse cords, charges and cannon balls, but I have trained a army of rideable llamas and mongbats on them while another pet tanks. Then you can use your Mongbat or Llama to tank for the weeker fluffier pets training skills on the shadow els :)

battle Llama1.png

Caitlyn Snow

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Also if the wrestling tactics are too low you can always disco a shadow eley. If they spawn with about 70 you can discord them to about 50 with 120 discord. Then when pet is high enough to go higher, cast invis on your bard until discord disappears and continue on.

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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Myself. Ninja dog form, wearing darkwood suit, crystalline ring, bracelet of health. No combat abilities for me to start with, I toggle off combat. I gain in combat abilities as the pet hits me, which means the pet can continue to gain off me. After the pet has gained a bit, then the pet can fight Gregorio the Brigand.