Magery: for the most part, no,
Weapon skills: Must have 70 real Tactics and Weapon skill for primary special move, 90 real for secondary move.
Blacksmithing: Skill Bonuses from holding hammers with skill bonuses do not apply to BOD pulls (3 years ago, there were changes to the ratios of colored armor to iron armor added for 110-119.9 skill and 120 skill, though the silly 50% always iron weapons remained). They DO apply to Enhancing, as each 10 points of skill over 100 adds 1% to the success chance for enhancement (so 120 skill, holding an ASH+60 to get to 180, has a +8% chance to enhance, say going from 26% to 34%)
Necro, Ninja and magery shapechanges (VE, Lich form, Polymorphs, etc.) drop if you remove the skill jewelry after casting, and the skill without the equipment is too low to cast the spell.
I believe some of the changes to combat-related skills and spellcasting that just went into effect might be real-skill tied. Frankly, most of it didn't bother me because I don't PvP, though I wish they'd not gutted Chivalry as a means of trying to stifle "marginal" chiv users like Sampires.
Anyone got more to add?