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[Price Check] Reagent - Rubble


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm looking for a price check on these Old Magencia rubble pieces. I have them on Atlantic server and "might" possibly be interested in selling them to help get started up on Atlantic again. Rubble Reagents.jpg
I've only seen a few of these on 5 different servers.​


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks for looking! Does anyone have an idea what these are worth??


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I m not 100% sure but I think those use to sell for around 8-12m each unsure if any of those are consider more rare that the others


Stratics Veteran
i would agree with Herman's estimate on the rubble reagents,with the exception of the dragon's blood and nightshade - those 2 sold to the right buyer ( that being one that perhaps would be trying to complete a set ) are generally more desireable as they "look better"( I don't believe them to be any more scarce in number then the others)However i think you could maybe see somthing in the 15-20 million range for the night shade and maybe 20-25 ish for the dragon's blood.These are prices that I personally have paid for mine - But of course - the only true indicator any items worth in my opinion, is what 2 people agree it is - the buyer & the seller


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Klimo, thank you for sharing with me :). The reagents do look pretty neat imo as well and are unique I think. I've hung onto these for at least 3 years and have been thinking about letting someone else enjoy them or "possibly" trading them for a tall "clean" palm tree rubble piece. I saw a palm rubble for 45m a few days ago but was shy a few million on that shard...oh the tragedy of it all! :sad3: