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: Re: Missing Soulstones


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's unfortunate what happened with the Soulstones. And honestly, both sides have their legitimate grievances; I can understand that the Soulstones will not be returned, despite this being an issue that ought to transcend normal in-game relations. Diplomatic outreach has been denied, and we no longer wish to put our friends and respected enemies in a position of being the peacemaker.

Screw that. Cartel has its pride. We won't be asking for the Soulstones back and furthermore, we won't allow this issue to cast us and our friends into the role of being pitiful beggars. We're bigger than that. And we would hope, earnestly, that those involved in the issue could be as well.

We will, as we always have done, take care of our guildmates and their losses ourselves. We won't allow this to be some sort of sore point to continuously attack the other side of supposed misdeeds. That's beneath us. It's petty.

It's a couple of missing Soulstones. Big deal. We'll pitch in and help our guildmate out, as we always have done.

I feel I should point out that it's rather unfortunate how Baja can't have its two largest enemy guilds respect each other. Baja is better than that. Both sides have had their grievances, as well as unwarranted provocation. But at the end of the day, it's about doing the right thing.

In this case, it appears that the right thing will not be done.

So we'll swallow that, move on, and prosper.

Xelious Norwood

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
thats too bad things didnt work out. I would like to think that if anyone lost anything specially a soulstone would make it back to its owner. That beeing said, I have a home that can be used as a portal for soulstones. If anyone likes, if you are running short of room or dont want to store them anymore I have no problem storing them, just let me know. Cords are (63 17N 64 41E) in trammel east of compassion and just north of cove. A mailbox has been set up just for this reason.
You can hit me up in game im Xelious Norwood or you can ICQ me at 99201070.

lil debi

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I embrace Xelious offer of storage and returned items . I too offer my Luna vendor mailbox for drop off of returned items to prospective owners.

No questions asked and all returned items will remain stickily confidential .