Just a question my friendly cat
whats thy difference from a Admin to a Mod? If any for that matter? just crious is all

:bowdown: <---sorry had to put that up
That is a good and valid question.
*Orvago smiles*
Moderators are here to make sure that users, in the Moderator's designated forum(s), adhere to the Rules of Conduct. Also, as their time permits (not a set-in-stone requirement), Moderators are to help constructive discussions flourish and progress and possibly add to any Forum-Specific FAQ's or other useful information for that forum. This latter is part is solely up to the availability of doing these by the Moderator, for we have a wide verity of Moderators that have different availability times and different levels of involvement. The only requirement for a Moderator, in this respect, is to make sure the Rules are followed within their designated forum(s), keeping in mind what is best for the Community of said forum.
Administrators also share that above with Moderators however, they have many more responsibilities. These include making sure the Rules are upheld across the entire Forum Instance they are an Administrator for and also includes making sure the Moderators and other Staff themselves also uphold the Rules of Conduct. In addition we perform any needed Permanent Bans (this changed recently with the new forums, in the past Moderators could do perma bans, now they can only issue a Ban if it is tied to the amount of Infraction points a user receives). We also listen to, communicate on, and address complaints about our forums and our Staff (for UO Instance, complaints should be sent to
[email protected]). Administrators are also responsible (collectively) for the hiring and releasing of Staff members. There are also other responsibilities for Administrators that are privy information, which I cannot go into detail.
If you have any more questions, please do not hesitate to ask. I will try my best to answer what I can. Our collective email is always open,
[email protected] (all Admins and our Managing Editor and Assistant/Associate Editors get all emails sent to that address), also my personal email is always open,
[email protected]
*Orvago bows*