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Rator Claw... where found?

  • Thread starter Cantabrigian British
  • Start date
  • Watchers 1

Cantabrigian British

So... I saw a throwing weapon in a players hand called: Raptor Claw. I was wondering if the information on UOguide.com could be wrong? I've been killing raptors all day and haven't had one drop. Can anyone confirm where for sure this artifact comes from?

Hunters' Moon

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The raptor claws probably have the same drop rate as the boura shields. That would be moderatly low and would possibly take a couple of days to see the first claw unless you farmed them for hours and hours.

Cantabrigian British

Does anyone know if luck affects drop rates?

Cantabrigian British

... does anyone know if luck affects the drop rate it'self? Or does it only affect the mods?

I think I once read somewhere that luck only affects the mods, am I wrong?

Still killing Raptors... for like 5 days now.

Just looking for some feedback from someone in the know. :)