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[Discussion] Rares on Europa


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Good day people!

With all the IDOC-ing being done the last days, my friend happened to come across quite the lucky find.
Quite lucky is an underestatement.

The problem is that, A. my friend isn't a boards user, B. his english is far from perfect and C. he has not a clue about rares, hence I am gonna try and give him a hand to sell all this stuff.

What I would like is that a rare collector would contact me and set up an arrangement so my friend can get a decent price check ingame on all the items. All this is on Europa.
There are some pretty old items involved in all this, so be sure you know what you speak of. ^^

After the price check, I will try to advice my friend about what to do with the items, most likely I willl advice to auction off everything on the boards, or perhaps I myself will try to do the auctioning on here.

Hopefully someone, or more then one of you will want to help us out!

I can be contacted on ICQ 459 673 700

Kind regards, Maleachi
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Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Man oh man.... super jealous doesn't even begin to describe it! :)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
Amazing finds! Really glad to see these items preserved.. rather than disappearing.

Well Done!

Alexander of ATL.

Rares Fest Host | Atl June 2013
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Billions and Billions and Billions he grabbed there haha. Tell him congrats for me :)


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jan 2011
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Need to move some of those bags lol, looks like a pulley and a plough in there as well. Thats there is a hall of a life time. Grats. Pm me if ya want me to give him some prices or icq me 459-176-283> I have owned and sold many of those items.
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Nails Warstein

Royal Explorer & Grand Archaeologian Of Sosaria
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
I can help. Is everything pictured? This is what I see.

Bag 1

3 x Lit Skull Candle
2 x Unlit Skull Candle

Bag 2

Dirty Plate
2 x Plate With Food
Empty Jar
2 x Spittoon
2 x Tray
Cards, Set of 3 facing North
Chicken On A Spit
2 Different Dirty Pots or Pans

Bag 3

West Facing Circle Tarot (Of Fate ?)
5 different bottles (maybe one Neon Dye Bottle)

Bag 4

Loom Bench
Open Book facing East (Titled?)
2 or 3 connected jars

Bag 5

Sword of the Champion
Lord Nicolus White Chair

Bag 6

Fallen Broken Chair facing West
Standing Broken Chair
Plough Facing South
Pile of Iron Ingots
Ship Model

Bag 7

3 x Wood Curls
2 x Ceramic Mugs
Fallen Broken Chair Facing North

Bag 8

Covered Chair Facing East
Blood Tile part of Pentagram

Bag 9

Blue Glass
Silverware Facing North
Spider Silk Woven Shirt
2 x Dirty Pots or Pans
2 x Clean Pots or Pans
Frying Pan

Bag 10

Moulding Board
Ginseng with Root
2 x Clean Pot or Pan
3 x Open Books Facing South (Are any Titled?)
Open Book Facing East (Titled?)
Tarot Facing West
Deck of Tarot
Skull Mug
Ceramic Mug
Folded Sheet
4 connected Bottles of Ale
4 connected Bottles of Wine
3 x Bottles (Flasks?)
1 Bottle
Heat Stand?

Bag 11

2 x Bloody Bandages
2 x Sparse Hay piles
Golden Goblet
Valek Diamonds
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Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Did this all come from one idoc on our shard? Thats alot of server ups, I wonder who the original owner was? Oh and you with whats there you could have a great exhibit of items to display,
nice haul!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks for your replies so far!!!

I have had many responses on ICQ as well, mostly people looking to buy items.
Please do not ICQ me if you want to buy anything, I will not take offers over ICQ.

I have made a complete list of all the items, and would really like a reasonable price check on all items first.
After that, I will auction everything (or most) off.

Here is an updated picture of everything with a list below.

From top left to bottom right in the bags.

Bag 1.

-Full jars
-Full jars
-Empty jar
-Flask stand
-Bottles of wine
-Bottles of wine

Bag 2.

-A glass of water
-A bottle of water
-A bottle liquor

Bag 3.

-3 Different types of blood
-Diamond (x3)
-Iron Ingots
-A ship key
-Blessed Ring
-A key: room

Bag 4.

-Candle (2 stones) (x2)
-A candle blesse by love for Lady Valura
-Skull with candle (x6)

Bag 5.

-Ginseng root

Bag 6.

-Plough (2 parts)
-Scimitar (x2)
-A ship claim ticket
-Ship model
-Gauntlets of anger
-Sword of the champion
-"Of exceptional quality" exceptional black spear

Bag 7.

-Cards (x2)
-Deck of tarot
-Chess pieces
-Spellbook facing west (3 stones, unopenable)
-Open book
-Open book
-Open book (x5)

Bag 8.

-Broken chair (15 stones)
-Loom bench
-Broken chair (20 stones)
-Broken chair (20 stones)

Bag 9.

-Hay (x7)
-Wood curls (x3)

Bag 10.

-A glass of milk (x2)
-A skull mug with water
-A skull mug with milk
-Wash basin
-Ceremic mug
-Ceremic mug of milk
-Ceremic mug of milk
-A glass of cider
-Plate of food
-Plate of food
-Dirty plate
-Dirty plate (x2)

Bag 11.

-Dirty pot
-Dirty pot
-Dirty pot
-Dirty pot
-Chicken on a spit
-Pot (x2)
-Pot (x2)
-Tray (x2)

Bag 12.

-4 Piece marble table

Bag 13.

-Bloody bandage
-Spider silk woven shirt
-Folded sheet
-Clean bandage
-A cloak made by Willy Tough [Exceptional] (Blessed) Blessed
-Bloody bandage (x2)
-Orc skin mask
-Moulding board
-Happy 6th anniversary bag (spellbook, chivalry book, magery book, blessed crook)

If more info is needed, please do let me know.

I can be contacted on ICQ 459 673 700
Like I said earlier, dont try to sneak in an offer on things cause I will just ignore you. ^^

Kind regards, Maleachi
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Ron Silverbeard

Stratics Veteran
Would it be ok for you if you post the price checks here so we have a complete list.
We could have a nice compendium with actuall market prices for collectors with it which would be nice ;)
If you plan to display them in a house too, so i could take pictures in game of it for the compendium, would be cool too if its not asked to much ;)
If not, its ok too, just asking hehe

P.S. I cant stop reading this over and over...so many items i would love to have...this is crazy
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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That looks familiarly like hemi's old museum, he lost it years ago when he got hacked but its the only collection i remember on europa that big and he had pretty much everything listed there. Thats assuming it all came from one idoc. hat would be my guess as to the previous owner as after he lost it we never saw it all surface for sale. Just my 2 cents and bloody hell thats the biggest idoc pull iv ever seen :D



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That looks familiarly like hemi's old museum, he lost it years ago when he got hacked but its the only collection i remember on europa that big and he had pretty much everything listed there. Thats assuming it all came from one idoc. hat would be my guess as to the previous owner as after he lost it we never saw it all surface for sale. Just my 2 cents and bloody hell thats the biggest idoc pull iv ever seen :D

I am currently trying to find out the history of this lot. A friend of mine also mentioned that it might have been Hemisphere's old items.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have received a very decent offer from a reputable trader/rares collector on the lot and am currently taking it into consideration.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Update on the item history;

The house that fell was owned by Sardokar, possibly Hemisphere's friend.

Bon Iver

Rares Fest Host | Atl Sept 2011 & June 2013
Stratics Veteran
Please have a public auction so all of us have a chance, please no private offers.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Please have a public auction so all of us have a chance, please no private offers.
I hear your plea and can not disagree. However, it will save me a a lot of time and frustration if I sell it all in one deal.
Most importantly though, it will go to a rares collector who will display the items. Most likely, he will auction those items which he already owns.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Update on the history of the items;

Unlike I said before, Sardokar was perhaps not a friend of Hemisphere at all. Supposedly he was the one that actually hacked him.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Does this lot come from the museum that use to be on that tramell island ( Dragon island or what it is called) ?

That museum had alot of server births and was there for a very long time


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jan 2011
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You should let me do silent auction on items, we could advertise it for a month. I guarantee you will get allot more than what you are being offered. Unless of course they are offering you cash.
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Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My first thought was that was hemi's server up's. I have no idea the actual value of all of these rares, but I gotta believe if you auction these off like Lord Nabin has been doing that you would get most
likely 20% to 30% more then a bulk deal. Yes it would take some work and effort but I would pay yourself 10% for the effort which could come out to perhaps 2 billion for yourself. it's your call but that's
what I would do if I were in your situation. Oh and bag #12 is big bucks just by itself.


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jan 2011
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A silent auction run by myself would take all the work away from yourself. And you would get all the gold. Ask around I am a very trust worthy player who has had billions upon billions of other peoples rares in my posession. You could just sit back and enjoy the wonders of a cool silent auction and these rares would go to multiple collectors across all shards. There is allot of gold floating around out there now and you can never get as much for a item as you can from a couple of nutty collectors trying to out bid one another. We can hype it up for a few weeks here as well as in game with books and General chat. This would be a great non rares fest community gathering.
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Lord Nabin

High Council Sage - Greater Sosaria
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Glorious Lord
How much is the lot I might be interested


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jan 2011
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Everything on this list has * beside them on manticore's list
Yes but it does not take away from there value. Server births have been making a huge comeback over em items the last couple years and have been some of the highest bids at the last 2 or 3 silent auctions.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just an update...

Some items have been added, some items have been removed. 95% of it remains though and it will be turned into an auction.
Hopefully this will please the collectors out there that were interested! ^^

Edit: more info will be given out shortly, do not post bids in this thread
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