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[Discussion] Rares OMG in the house

  • Thread starter house4saleUO
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Well I purchased a house from a freind that was quiting UO. I have found alot of double stamped exceptional weapons, furniture, clothing, armor, old tagged items, alot of double slayer weapons. Some old scool event items (holiday timepeice braclet). Now I am not a collector myself and would like to sell alot of the stuff. But where do I begin on the pricing. I cain't seem to find a price guide out there. Oh yah has anyone heard of this weapon? " Daimyo Emino's Katana", It is not a new weapon has old properties on it. Well hope to get some help. Thank you all.

Bai of Baja


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Actually, it is fairly new - but is also a rare from no longer being available.

The Katana was from the old Samurai basic template starting quest, which became no longer available with the introduction of New Haven. You had a choice of keeping it, or doing the right thing and returning it to its owner, so there are even less of them than there could have been.


As for pricng the items there is no real price guide! you wil find a lot of stuff is really down to how much someone is prepared to pay. That being said if you need price checks a lot of people here will be more than helpfull in estimating a rough price for you. The other thing to do would be to run an auction for the items you wish to sell. Some items may not reach their real worth but then on the other hand you could end up quids in with a couple of collectors trying to out bid each other for a particular item.

However, all that being said if u need a price check feel free to ask


As for pricng the items there is no real price guide! you wil find a lot of stuff is really down to how much someone is prepared to pay. That being said if you need price checks a lot of people here will be more than helpfull in estimating a rough price for you. The other thing to do would be to run an auction for the items you wish to sell. Some items may not reach their real worth but then on the other hand you could end up quids in with a couple of collectors trying to out bid each other for a particular item.

However, all that being said if u need a price check feel free to ask
Well thx both of you for the input, I guess LAH on Baja shard hear I come.