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[Discussion] Rares Fest Silent Auction Rules


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jan 2011
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Rares Fest Silent Auction Rules-Excepting Items Now

I will start to except items for auction on Dec 26th. Items must be placed in a container with a book containing what you want described with item and all the info regarding opening, minimum, buyouts, ect. Also there must be contact info provided with each item (preferably icq). If contact info is not given I will not except item. Lets try and keep the items to be more on the high end side as well. I am just trying to avoid being flooded with items that should be on a vendor selling for 20-30m for a example and not being placed in a auction.

Auction itself will end on midnight on Sat the 7th (subject to change, I will try and get a good balance for Asian and Americans). All bidding will be done on bulletin boards. The ten minute rule will apply to all items. (Example)- This means that if a bid is posted at 11:56 PM that one item will continue to be able to be bid upon till 12:06 Am, if someone bid at 12:05 AM on same item it will continue it to 12:15 AM. Item may continue to be bid upon until a time has elapsed of ten minutes between bids at which point item will be closed. ALL BIDDERS MUST PROVIDE CONTACT INFO WITH BID!!!!

Also if item has been put up with no buyout listed then I cannot go and change it to have a buyout unless there are no bids on item. Once someone bids on a item I will not go back and change it at sellers request. The only thing that I would consider is if seller wants to lower a buyout price. Also if someone wants a item back I will only do it if it has no bids. And I will not give any item back unless I confirm it thru icq. (don't ask in game).

On a last note I am working by myself on this. I will be the only one who will have access to containers or anything else in this house. I will be trying to take American player items for auction house I am running and hopefully Shushu can take the Asian items for house he is running. When auction is over it is not a quick process to get your gold. I will work as fast as I can but please be patient.

Most important thing is do not give item to anyone unless you have spoken to me by icq. This goes for house I am running, Shushu may be doing something different (that is up to him).

My ICQ is 459-176-283 Also I do work so if you send a icq to me and don't hear from me for awhile dont fret I will get a hold of you as soon as I am able.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am glad to see you and ShuShu are running this and in duel languages. This is awesome.

I am personally donating 2% of my auction sales to the auctioneers (1 to each auctioneer) as a small token of my appreciation.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi all

I'm talking with blend about the rules and end time

we are going to unify rules with lineman


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Supporter
shushu will work with the same rules
We like the near the auction Closed times
It ends at different times of the two houses 1 hours

shushu auction Closed EST23:00 (PST20:00)
lineman auction Closed EST 0:00 (PST21:00


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
second auction house has already started !

Please contact me if you want to put rares at second auction house :)

first acution house owner is lineman ! !

lineman's ICQ : 459176283

shushu's ICQ : 574503115 ( ICQ name is shu-chan )


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jan 2011
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ill be off and on Frid, Sat, and Sunday. Good time to get your items submitted. Send me a shout thxs

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi Lineman! I've been trying to reach you via PM and ICQ to submit my items for the auction. Could you please try contacting me? I'm sure messages are probably just getting lost in transition. My ICQ is 465-972-004 I'll be around for a couple hours this morning and then later this evening. Thank you!!

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thank you very much for contacting me so promptly, Lineman!! An' thank you and ShuShu for hosting the auctions for the community. I know it takes a lot of work and time. :grouphug:


Rares Fest Host | LS April 2011
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Auction itself will end on midnight on Sat the 7th (subject to change, I will try and get a good balance for Asian and Americans).
Auction ends at 12PM EST right? so just a bit less than 8 more hours.