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[Discussion] Rares fest auction list to date


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jan 2011
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Here are the items that are already locked down. I know there are more items on there way I am just gonna add to the list as they get locked down.

1. Chessmen Set with Golden Chessboard
2. Pacify
3. A Shard Of The Gem Of Immortality
4. Birds Of Britannia (open book)
5. Midnight Silk (black dress Mes world tour Seas 8)
6. Creme Dollup (luna white giant shell 1/10 Chessy season 9)
7. Happy Halloween Catskills - 2010 (orange lantern 1/10 Cats season 8)
8. The Devil's Brew (1/5 Chess season 7)
9. Granny's Cranberry Sauce (When Locked Down, Double Click On It, Gives Temporary +10 To Cooking Skills) 1/10
10. Small Web (Orange Spider Webs (~20) Shard Wide)
11. Santa's Ring - (Silver White, Crystalline Ring Stats, and Graphic) (7)