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[Discussion] Rare?



I was just doing some cleaning and I stumbled upon a Statue that I thought could be rare. All it says is "Blessed" but if you double click it, it's an Ask and Answer ball sort of thing I can post of picture if necessary. Is this common? Any info on it I would greatly appreciate thanks!


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
yah, they are broken.... they no longer know who they are, and instead of the first line saying "A Statue of Finnegan" it merely says "Blessed" and the second line gives "Looking into the swirling mists yadda yadda......" or whatever it says..... Finnegan never had a description of what it did, I didn't know for months that it would talk to me

the Finnegan always gave the replies that the Ask & Answer ball gave, and it still functions that way when double-clicked.... and does anyone remember for certain whether it was spelled Finnegan or Finnigan?


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I have one myself... kinda.. upset about it not being Finnegan.....

I took a screenie a little bit ago when i noticed it was "broken"

and after checking, yeah, it just says "blessed" now...