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[Discussion] Rare rubble or possible with others?


Stratics Veteran
So I was going thru yet another mess of uo hoarding and found I have three different styles of rubble mushrooms that are stacked. Now I dont recall purchasing stacked rubble mushrooms nor ever seeing any for sale but I have done several idocs in the past im still filtering thru...anyways long story short I tried to stack matching rubble mushroom styles and I couldnt get them to do so. Anyone else have stacked rubble mushrooms??? Can a idoc bug stacking?


Long Live The Players
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Stratics Legend
only people ive heard of being able to stack unstackable items have had their houses burnt down and accounts banned... I would at the very least assume it was a bug at some point. I know Assia Penryn loves her rubble mushroom set, perhaps she has some insight.


Lore Keeper, Wiki Maker, & Doer of Crazy Things
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I've actually had a couple random things (creepy cakes come to mind) suddenly become stackable within the past 2 weeks; had them on vendors that expired, and when I took the items out of the house sign, the cakes were stacked. I wonder if there's some recent unintended consequence allowing unstackables to stack in certain cases, like idocs and vendors moving to housing signs?

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
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Stratics Legend
Are they the single mushrooms? Perhaps it is items that have a stacked version of the same graphic in-game.