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[Gardening] Rare Pink Dye looks exactly like Bright Red Dye...

  • Thread starter Nastia Cross
  • Start date
  • Watchers 1


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
noticed that when I was doing the clippings, could not tell them apart, at least on my monitor.. hadn't gotten to making the dyes yet.. tho on this chart there is a difference (at least on metal) when the dyes are applied, it appears

Stupid Miner

Hm, would altering to color scheme on the monitor make any difference?


Queen of The Outlaws
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I'm disappointed with this color, had hoped for a more pink color like the plant before I clip it.


I am glad that none of the dyes are anything like the awful neon colors. At least in the guide, they look quite natural. However, at least with the pictures of the breastplates in the guide, since none of them really stand out as crazy colors, well, none of them really stand out as crazy colors. I don't see that there's likely to be a big market for the rarer ones in the same way as you look at a rare fire plant or cloak and say OMG that's different.

On an unrelated thoughts, are the venom vials available anywhere from vendors or are they purely a crafted item? (Still working alchemy.)


or just kill the serpent, chance 1:5 to get a venom vial

if not then you also need a charming flute, which need 2 blight


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Yes, I spoke too soon ;)

They're ALSO a reward for some of the new puzzle boxes...there's a thread on UHall about the puzzle box rewards.