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[Discussion] Rare or No?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A friend looted this from an idoc on Pac... is it rare or just a renamed runebook somehow? And why does it have no weight?



Well the only thing thats really rare about it, is that its double exceptional. The rarity label, and the "bloodstained" part is just part of the writing on the book. They are cool to show off in your house tho.


How is that a one of a kind?? I have 3 just like that one, exception is that one that i have, the "bloodstained" part is in italics. Theres nothing that makes it one of a kind. The rarity part is just part of the label on the runebook...


Pretty sure it's HTML named and pretty rare. Maybe 10m+ is my guess.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's just an old runebook that's been html named. You can't use html anymore to do neat stuff like this so it has some value. I dunno about 10m, I don't think it was all that long ago that they stopped letting us do stuff like this, I even did up a runebook myself when whoever was the spokesperson for UO said it was ok. BTW could also do house signs, regular books, bracelets of binding, runes, etc. I think the problems stemmed from when people were doing code so that when you moused over an item it would pop open a webpage that had bad stuff on it. Soo goodbye, fun htmling! :(


Lol, I'm 99% sure that's one I made. It's HTML crap mate.
Weird how stuff seems to turn up :danceb:

Yesterdays scam items become rares of the future :shots: