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[Discussion] Rare Large Diamond

  • Thread starter Hmorgan85
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Hey all,

In the early days there was a (large) Diamond available as rare item, like the one found on the beach in britain (near the busts and copper coins, near the city centre) it looks like a diamond, and you can guess, only bigger...
Is the item still around, or did it disappear from the game?


Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
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Stratics Legend
... its still around and you see them for sale occasionally in game. The one I'm thinking of is sometimes referred to as Valek's Diamond as well.

Odd gems have lost their a lot of their luster with the addition of past events and the mining cart. Most folks seem really uneasy about buying gems because of so many folks scamming with the ones still obtainable.

Someone ought to make a guide showing the normal gem, the ones from crimson and other events and those coming off the mining cart. It might help sales of legit gems and also keep new collectors safe.


Well... to be honest... the name Valek's Diamond does not ring a bell with me ( i started playing Ultima about 3 months ago now after being away for 7 years )

And Crimson is an event where look-alikes of the diamond we are talking about did spawn?

Or how would one get scammed, wanting to buy this item?
If i remember right... the nametag of it was just "A large diamond" so.. do the other ones have that to or am i missing the point?



Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Don't know personally whether the Valek quest was across all shards, but I found reference to it on a few of them. Unfortunately, none of the pictures presented for the diamonds, which it is said were found in various places, actually show the name as being a mouse-over, but you can take a look on these pages and see what they looked like. Hope it helps.

Valek's diamonds (and be sure to check a few of the shards for different pics)

sorry, meant to add, the ones that dropped recently from the strangers in the dungeon and the crimson dragons just say 'diamond' also, but I have none that are this particular graphic (of course, I'm fairly unlucky when it comes to pickin' up stuff!)



Late post, i know, but... how much would valek´s diamond cost one these days? I want to add one to my collection if possible so i need to know i'm not scammed. Is it hard to get? couse i haven't come acros it for now. :popcorn:


Seasoned Veteran
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Late post, i know, but... how much would valek´s diamond cost one these days? I want to add one to my collection if possible so i need to know i'm not scammed. Is it hard to get? couse i haven't come acros it for now. :popcorn:
I think they sell for around 5 million these days, maye a little less, but I'm not certain. They are indeed hard to find on vendors, but I wouldn't be surprised if someone here in the Rares forum has one to sell, so keep looking.


Thanks Techthys..

And Escaflowne.. a few posts ago you yourself were looking for it and now you have a spare? :popcorn:


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
No i was asking if you could get them from gem carts and looking for screenies of the diamonds from gem carts because i was sold a bunch of Valek Diamonds for a cheap price, and usually if its too good to be true it is and i thought i had been scammed. :)


Aye, i see, well i am indeed interested. and i will trust you on this then... couse i really don't know how the fake-item would look like anyway, so feel free to add me to icq, and we'll figure a deal out. 587-258-943.
