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[Fishing] Rare Fish at 100 skill


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Ok.. so since it seems that it is just about as rare to get a fishing Powerscroll as it is to get Moon Jewls from gypsies.. I was wondering which rare fish CAN be caught at skill 100?

For Example -
The guide lists out Blue Marlin, King Fish, and Yellowtail Barracuda as rare fish to be caught in Trammel waters... yet the only one I have caught in these waters at 100 skill is the yellowtail barracuda.. and I have caught about 9 of those and none of the other 2.

So heres the list of what I have caught so far as far as rare fish go..

Yellowtail Barracuda
Summer Dragonfish
Reaper Fish
Lava Fish
Holy Mackeral
Great Barracuda
Giant Koi

Currently been working in the Labrynith for the Bull Fish but havent caught any out of about 1200 fish.. thinking they arent here...

Anyone caught any other rare fish at 100 skill? Hate to be wasting my time in places I dont even have the skill to catch fish at.. such as the Twisted Weald, the Labrynith, Prism of Light.. ect..


I fished for a couple of hours in the Twisted Weald the other day and managed to catch 4 Unicorn Fish but no Rainbow Fish with 100 skill. I've kind of been operating under the assumption that if somewhere has multiple types of fish that can be caught one of them will be catchable by a GM fisherman while the rest are 100+.

anna anomalous

the bull fish bait comes from higher end quest orders. that said, i'm assuming it's going to require more than 100 fishing to pull up. might want to try at 105!


with 100 fishing skill i caught a couple of Yellowtail Barracudas and one Blue Marlin in the deep sea in trammel. nothing else so far. i fished a lot in the dungeon but never caught a rare fish there.

i assume that with 100 skill you are extremely lucky if you catch such a fish (with the exception of Yellowtail Barracudas which seem to be pretty common), and the chances increase the higher your skill gets. but due to a lack of power scrolls we will never know...


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Goonball : Where did you fish at in the twisted weald? Did you fish back in the back on the lake or in the dungeon area prior to the sparklies? I tried the dungeon area the other day and had not luck at rare fish... havent tried by the lake yet, be a hard place to fish for sure :)

Barracuda : Glad to see you caught a blue Marlin, I have yet to catch one in the seas of Trammel.. and I have fished a lot in those waters.. So Nice catch on that one!!

Anna : I believe you are correct, I continued to fish the Lab last night for another hour or so with no luck on a Bull Fish, so it must be a fis to catch at a higher level... one may never be caught since the scrolls are so far and few inbetween, even after they say they increased the spawn rate... I am over 70 + quests without the hint of a power scroll ;-(

I will continue to fish new areas and post any results I get for rare fish to being pulled up.. thanks for all your input thus far!


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Picked up a Fiary Salmon in Ter Mur Today...

Also picked up a Fire Fish in Shame this evening

Both fish at the 100 Skill mark..


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Got a couple Unicorns in the Twisted Weald tonight.. still setting at 100 skill.. finished over 70 + quests now and still no +5 scroll


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Caught an Autumn Dragonfish in Ilsh, forget the date maybe the 17th?

Fished past spirituality gate, on that lake.

Luke Carjacker

Got a couple Unicorns in the Twisted Weald tonight.. still setting at 100 skill.. finished over 70 + quests now and still no +5 scroll
All ask you the question you asked earlier, were you fishing in the cave, or through the sparklies in the back area?


Stratics Legend
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All ask you the question you asked earlier, were you fishing in the cave, or through the sparklies in the back area?
Just caught a 25 stones Unicorn Fish on the river that runs through that Dread Horn island on my first pass. Not sure if you can fish one out from dungeon area before you enter Twisted Weald.

Caught two more after that.


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I was fishing in the back near the DreadHorn Island.. Ended up catching 6 there last night. I have tried out front quite a bit and not had any luck catching any rare fish..

I did also finally get a 105 powerscroll last night.. seems around about 80 quests for me to get one.


Sorry for the lateness, haven't checked this post in a little bit.. but yeah I was actually inside the Twisted Weald dungeon. I transferred fishing onto my stealther and went up and around (through the sand) then farrrr to the south and was able to fish there without any problems.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Thank you! We fished for hours and hours on test trying to find these creatures!


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No special bait used for the crab. Just turned up in a trap. They look just like the other crabs only this was a dark bluish green. The drop rate on these must be tiny. I have fished up several of the Yellow Barracuda (Including a 184 stone) but only one of these crabs and I have placed alot of Lobster traps out doing these monger quests.


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I'm stuck at 105 skill......got one 105 scroll after about 25 quest, now somewhere in the hundreds of quest and never another scroll.

Lots of all kinds of bait, about 18 or so each lava poles and traps.
Some nice baits ( crystal fish,unicorn,diff crabs and lobsters, but not even one more 105 scroll).

But I have caught a BUNCH of Yellowtail Barracudas biggest 137 stones.
one Blue Marlin 112 stones and tonight a Kingfish at 95 stones.

I am not using any bait just fishing to fill quest.

Captain Toad of TIME BANDIT


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Any one caught any of these without bait since the patch? I had caught a bunch but not a one since.


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I'm at the 100 skill mark.

In the last week I've fished up six or seven Yellowtail Barracuda, one King fish and one blue marlin.

The marlin was a puny little thing though, about 22 stones. The best yellow tail was I think 127 stones and I can not for the life of me remember the weight of the king fish. I think it was rather small like the marlin.


Has anyone at 100 skill been able to catch one of the rare dungeon fish (Fire Fish, Lava Fish, Reaper Fish, etc.) since the patch? I've been fishing in Doom for a while with no luck and I'm afraid that I might need something ridiculous like 106 fishing to get one now.


My Fisher, still gm, havent done enough quests, rare fish caught, about 15 of the yellowtails, 1 i kept, 172 stones, one blue marlin, makes beautiful trophy, 2 holy macs, 1 king fish, and 1 giant koi, no baits used, just got lucky :)


today i caught my first fire fish, 78 stoner, with 100 skill. :D

James [W^H]

Slightly Crazed
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I have been developing a new fisherman on Pacific and landed a Blue Marlin today at 98.2 skill level and was very surprised. Later today, I GM'ed on a mess of small fish.
