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[Buying] Rare/Cool/Odd Items that have to do with Felucca and/or PVP.


Stratics Veteran
I have been working on collecting items with the plans of changing my home theme to be based around Fel and PVP. So first I started trying to get all of the Event drops with Fel in the name. Now I am hunting any other Fel or PVP related Item I can find.

I am interested in anything that has to do with PVP that could be considered rare or odd. I like Guildstones with PVP names, PVP Duel Event items, Bones or Bless Deeds with PVP related names, AOS items with PVP names, I feel confident there are other things I haven't thought of....so please let me know if you have anything. Also if there is something you don't own but you think would go well with a PVP themed house....I am all ears. Thanks for the help!