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[Selling] Rare book for sale need advice



I came across a clanins faction spellbook but anyone from factions can wear it. and its mods are much diffrent then the one you get from silver. Its mods are 3 mr 80 luck 5 dci 12 lmc 20 lrc 2 energy resist and i have been told from two people its from a faction event from a few years back i am not 100% what i want for it right now but i am sure i wanna sell it so hit me up! I need advice on best way to sell this item im not big into selling rares anything would be helpful ty!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
I need advice on best way to sell this item im not big into selling rares anything would be helpful ty!
Stick it on a vendor in luna for 40-50mil, that seems to be the going price lately. Few have been on ATL on various vendors over the last few weeks.