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[Discussion] Ranger Green Anvil



Just cleaning out my house I found I have an Anvil that is Ranger Armor green. Anyone know if this is rare or have any info on it? Any help would be greatly appreciated thanks!

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Possibly an anvil dyed Forest Green during the slime event. You could dye add-ons before they had been placed as long as they were crafted out of oak or higher.

Tangled Metal

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I used to have one as well. This was about 2 1/2 years ago. There are a couple of explanations. First it could have been an anvil created using ranger green ingots. Yes, that is a bit far fetched but slightly possible. Second, it could be a verite anvil and your screen color is off. I have an anvil that is the same color as frost wood but I have had it since before colored woods came out so the third possibility is that it is an old item that was accidentally (or not so accidentally) dyed.


Thank you both for your insight I really appreciate your help Thanks!