I've never really had any good reason to hunt in Tokuno. I missed the previous two events, and let's face it, when ToT isn't running there's no good reason to take an extended stay there. Sure, I run in when I need something (Fire Bugs for eg), but that's about it - once I'm done I recall out and that's that.
So I may be a bit slow in pointing this out, but the main thing that hit me was this: No reagents spawn on the ground there.
Instead we get female underwear.
Leather at that. Kinky.
Seriously, go look. It spawns all over the place, you can pick it up, take it home, whatever. It's like I turned up for a party a day late, and all I'm seeing is the aftermath.
Here we have mention:
The new Mempo seems to be a much scarcer drop then the other minor artifacts. Though given that it currently has the highest luck score of any item ever, I suppose that's to be expected.
Good to see something happen in UO. Musta seen more usernames on my screen today then I've seen all year. Fun thus far.
I've never really had any good reason to hunt in Tokuno. I missed the previous two events, and let's face it, when ToT isn't running there's no good reason to take an extended stay there. Sure, I run in when I need something (Fire Bugs for eg), but that's about it - once I'm done I recall out and that's that.
So I may be a bit slow in pointing this out, but the main thing that hit me was this: No reagents spawn on the ground there.
Instead we get female underwear.
Leather at that. Kinky.
Seriously, go look. It spawns all over the place, you can pick it up, take it home, whatever. It's like I turned up for a party a day late, and all I'm seeing is the aftermath.
Here we have mention:
Soooo... I guess this is just Chrissay playing games (apparently all these artis did come from a shipwreck, so it stands to reason someone'd ask this), but... anyone seen any such thing?Q: What is this I hear about a shipwreck in the Tokuno Islands?
A: We're not exactly sure, but we've heard some whispering in the back alleys of Zento ourselves. Perhaps you can ask the more experienced Tokuno adventurers if they've seen anything odd...
The new Mempo seems to be a much scarcer drop then the other minor artifacts. Though given that it currently has the highest luck score of any item ever, I suppose that's to be expected.
Good to see something happen in UO. Musta seen more usernames on my screen today then I've seen all year. Fun thus far.