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[Price Check] Random Double Exceptional, Misc


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Trying to clean up all the junk I have on random shards.
Trying to figure out it any of this stuff is worth selling or just tossing.



5 Clean Bandage:

These are still white, no idea what or where these came from in this shape.
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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
All gone unless I find more. No sewn items unfortunately.
Only thing I have left is the strange bandage stack on Baja. Still don't know what it is.

Miss Twilight Eyes

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
well, darn it, I came in here to follow what the other items were worth! ;)

The white reversed bandages still spawn as loot AFAIK.

I still have colored reversed bandages as well. They used to flip either way when cutting up cloth.