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Ran into a interesting issue


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Benefactor
so all 3 of my kids where home for a week visiting.
2 Nurses and 1 getting ready for his last year of High School.
they where all talking about the new shard for UO that is coming down the pipe and they all agreed that they would be interested in playing UO this winter with each other.
they dont play with me, that wouldn't be cool or something.
anyways, i had to laugh.
they all downloaded UO onto their laptops and decided they would play one of the evenings to get the old juices flowing and they started complaining about losing connection all the time.
which was strange because i never loose connection.
then it dawned on me.... they where all on EJ accounts and you only have 1 EJ account logged in per ISP.
so they where unable to play because only one of them was allowed logged in at once.
silly change.

Lord Ron Fellows

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'd email the mesanna and see what she has to say. I know on free shards they can restrict or allow connections based on IP. Who knows what their capability or willingness its though.


MESANNA "I'm working on making game worse"
You "question insert bs"
MESANNA "we have NL! It will be so exciting!"
You "I have kids now and they are waiting for NL..."


My 9 “kids” on EJ would also like to sit on my boat and do nothing but be in a party with me and claim rewards. I canz emails Mesabba tooz?


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I sometimes think EJ accounts cause more problems than they are worth.
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Victim of Siege

Grand Poobah
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Did anyone ever test using a VPN?
I did some limited testing I was able to get two on at once for a while’s but it eventually figured it out and booted me. Take that for what it’s worth though. I did it very little because I was curious only and have no need for more than one Ej on at a time. I use one EJ account with mages parked at the emporium, Fel and TRAM.

Lord Nabin

High Council Sage - Greater Sosaria
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Glorious Lord
"Working as Intended"

*Sitting on his horse at the Brit crossroads wondering when the rest of his family guild will get there.......*