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Quick question on 'white' deamon bone armour



were and whens it from....and a quick pc on a set?? europa
also ive heard peeps say that be carefull dont buy the normal red deamonbone thats been bleached?? is there a difference in colour white=bleached or is there a diff in the stats of the armour?

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Not sure on price.

Came from meers for a while.

Unbleached will read as so

Line 1: Bone Armor
Line 2: Daemon Bone

or something along those lines.


Line 1: Daemon Bone Armor
Then go into normal resists etc. Hope that helps. I half asleep atm. If does not anwsers hopeuflly someone in morning can help ya out.


I agree with the above.

Looking at mine I notice that...

The resists for the tunic for red daemon bone is:6,6,7,5,7

For white it is: 3,3,4,2,4

Old red daemon bone had self repair 1.

My white tunic does not have SR1.


ahhhh looks like a bleached set im looking at in a vendor then ...lol and yes ive noticed some deamon bone parts got self repair 1 and some have not...guess the newer stuff yes??thats a giveaway....txs again for the help...

so normal red ones are=
daemon bone gloves
weight 1 stone

and the white ones are=
bone gloves
weight 1 stone
daemon bone

so bleached ones read the same as the first one- easy to spot!


Slightly off topic but i have a pair of bone arms with Dex 3 or sumthing as a mod... is that even possible i dun rememeber bone armour having that mod, it's leather so no special heart wood or sumthing so yeah :S

Any info?


Whats the exact mod? It's difficult to help without knowing whether its Dexterity 3, or Stamina 3, or something else altogether.

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If dex 3 could be one of the new new haven items. Some of them high str and dex mods on normal armor peices. If it has special name and is blessed more than likely a new haven quest item.

Edit I have a pair of bone gloves with str 3 on them. There was a skeleton that spawns in new haven every so often. I looted off of him So yours are more than likely another special peice he drops.


white demon bone armor spawned for a few weeks after the aos release on meer mages. Because of that all white demon bone armor comes without the SR1 property, which was only on prepatch pieces.

To view original sets of white demon bone armor open the paperdolls of the 2 vendors in front of my house on dagger island on Europa (95°12'N 167°42'W).

One is named Flea- the other Market