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Quick luck question.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I seem to remember finding this answer once a while back, problem is I can't remember what the answer was.... now I can't seem to even find the exact answer. =-P Does luck effect the chances of an artifact dropping? Like an Ilsh artie, or a Ter Mur artie, or (when active) a Tokuno artie ect.


Sorry, just thought of one other thing. If I have a luck suit on and I'm battling with a pet, does the luck "apply" to my pets kills? Or drop rate and luck only applicable if using a direct damage class/weapon/spell?

Sorry, guess this is a two question post. =-P

Phaen Grey

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I may be wrong but I think the Ilshenar and Tokuno artifact systems are based on points, you hunt enough to get enough points for one to randomly drop in your pack. I don't think luck effects that. It may also be the system used for the drops in the Anti-Virtue dungeons too.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
-Luck improves your chances of getting an artifact should one drop.
-Luck gives you an overall loot quality boost as well as number of items boost.
-Luck effects how high the property on an item is
*and how many properties you get.
All of this is dependant on if you get the luck roll at all for each bullet point.