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Quests about CU


Can someone tell me, whether i can use a cu as a human tamer? Afaik you can only tame it as an elf, but it can be transferred to a human. I don't understand the further descripion on the hunting guide. It says: "you can ride it when wearing the minor artifact footwear, 'pads of the cu sidhe'"
Does this mean i cannot use it for hunting as a tamer, or i can use it for hunting when i am wearing the footwear or does it mean, i can hunt without waering the footwear but can only ride it with the footwear?
Btw, where can i get the footwear?
Thanks for your replies!


Gabriel Rowe

You can control them w/ any race as long as you have high enough taming/lore. You can only tame them w/ elves, as a human you need the pads of the cu sidhe to be able to ride them.