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Questions for Ubuntu/Linux users

  • Thread starter Old Man of UO
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0

Old Man of UO

I'm looking at the Ubuntu 11.04 beta and have a few questions, having never used Linux before. Any users of Ubuntu/Linux who can help?

1) Does the AMD64x code give a significant performance boost over the 32 bit code?

2) Is the 32 bit code limited to 4Meg RAM like windows, and does the 64 bit code open this up?

3) I want to build a Linux server to use for web design. Anyone using LAMP stack, and is it faster than WAMP for windows?

4) Adobe doesn't make a 64 bit Linux driver for Flash, and I've read there is a substitute out there. Can anyone point me in the right direction, or am I stuck with 32 bit code?

5) How well does UO EC client run on Linux, and which emulator do you recommend? Where can I find installation instructions?

6) What else should I know before making the change?

Thanks... I'm a real Linux newb.