cool, perfect!
so that answers one question.
so then the Asclepius will allow you to go over the cap.
so i guess the next question is does enhanced bandaids allow you to go over cap?
if it adds 10 to healing or anat (or is it both????) so then effectively im at 130x130 when i use them?
and lastly is the question about the 30hp difference in what they do.
Enhanced bandages will provide a 10 point bonus to your Healing skill only. The +10 that you get from Enhanced Bandages is added after your skill level for healing is taken into the calculation, so the +10 effectively turns your healing to 130 (Assuming you were at 120 to begin with).
The formula for calculating the minimum and maximum amount of damage healed is as you stated above, which I've reprinted below:
minHealed = (anatomy skill / 6) + (healing skill / 6) + 3
maxHealed = (anatomy skill / 6) + (healing skill / 3) + 10
*Skill is reported as 0 - 120 (As opposed to 0 - 1200, which is sometimes the case)
At 120 Healing & Anatomy if you use enhanced bandages your range would be 44 - 73.
At this point "slips" are deducted from your total damage healed and calculated as follows...
If your healing skill is greater or equal to 100,
slipAdjustment = 35 + 10 (dex / 5)
If it's less than 100,
slipAdjustment = 35 + (healing / 15) + (dex / 3)
For each slip you take during the healing cycle your healed damage is changed as follows,
healedDamage = healedDamage * slipAdjustment / 100
*Remember there's no order of operations here, everything is evaluated from left to right
At this point the Aesclepius bonus is calculated by multiplying the damage you are healing by .15 or .20 (depending on whether you have the replica or the original) then adding that value back to the damage healed.
The next check is for the new trade buff available for purchase by the City Governor from the City Stone. This adds an additional 10% and is calculated the same way Asclepius bonus is calculated.
Given all this if you are at 120 Healing, 120 Anatomy and are using Enhanced Bandages, the original Asclepius staff and you are under the effects of the Healer's Guild Trade Buff you min/max ranges would result in 58 - 96
That's some serious first aid!
Fun fact! The healing script is among one of the oldest in the UO Script Depository and has original comments by Raph Koster! (I was very excited when I Found them
