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Questions about Free Accounts.



Are the accounts free forever or are they still the same ole' free trial accounts?

If Free forever, how do you go about getting it because my sis in law signed up thinking it was totally free and got the message that her account was expired when she tried to log on today.

I called EA today and was told there was no free account, that they changed the free trial and now you don't have to put in a Credit Card Number. And that's what they were meaning with free.

Can someone help me with these questions please?



I am having the same problem on my second account...


I'm having the same problem with my second account too. I paid for it, to upgrade to a paid subscription November 27th. It expired December 1st. 3 days after I paid, I contacted customer support, and they replied asking for more info/details about my payment. I supplied it. Now it's been 8 days, going on 9....still nothing. My account is still suspended.

I have been patient. I want to give them time, but this is getting ridiculous.


I too have wondered the same thing. Are inactive accounts the same as "free" accounts? Are they separate, or do you "downgrade"? I just figured it would be handled like Second Life is.