i have 100 str 45 dex 125int resists 70,70,67,70,72 luck 1060 lrc 115, sdi 47, fcr 7, fc 4, lmc 40, hpr 2, sr 2, mr 11, rpd 10, dci 45 skill cap is 705 atm and i have 117 magery, 110 eval int, 109 med, 120 taming, 120 lore, 120 vet what bosses could i possible solo if any with this template and my greater dragon has 1020hp 556 str, 125 dex, 633 int, resists 85,86,50,56,70 wrestling 104, tactics 122.6, resisting spells 111.4, anatomy 100, magery 111.5, eval 100, med 100. thanks for the help.