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[Discussion] Question on several Rares

Lord Damascus

Stratics Veteran
Hi All, I was wondering if i could possibly pick some of your brains..

Would anyone happen to know if there is a version of the Server Birth "Siverware" that points West? If so (apologies if this is frowned upon) howmuch is such an item valued at?

Also, I can't seem to find a list of "Necro Regs" And therefore don't know if my Collection is complete or not?
Does anyone have a list or know where i may find one?

Thanks alot for any info shared!


Lord Damascus [-TN-]
English Chap - Top Notch

Lord Damascus

Stratics Veteran
Hi All, I was wondering if i could possibly pick some of your brains..

Would anyone happen to know if there is a version of the Server Birth "Siverware" that points West? If so (apologies if this is frowned upon) howmuch is such an item valued at?

Also, I can't seem to find a list of "Necro Regs" And therefore don't know if my Collection is complete or not?
Does anyone have a list or know where i may find one?

Thanks alot for any info shared!


Lord Damascus [-TN-]
English Chap - Top Notch


Old and in the way
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dread Lord
I merged the two threads and brought DjAd's response over here. *tips hat* Have a nice day.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Campaign Patron
I don't think the reddish pig iron is one of the necro regs, and the real pumice I believe is a different color. Also its missing the dragon's blood (a green vial similar to the new mysticism reagent of the same name).

So, The blackmoor, executioners cap and dead wood still drop I beleive; The others are obsidian, brimstone, bloodspawn, wyrm's heart, pumice, and eye of newt, and dragon's blood.

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The reddish pig iron is from the stacking exploit.
The true pumice is grey, but was also duplicated in the stacked exploit. The colored pumice comes from a long time ago when you could briefly sell moonstones to NPCs and buy them back - that is the origin I'm aware of.

Blackmoor used to spawn on liches, executioner caps on corpsers (I think whipping vines now), deadwood in NPC crates. Kolka is right about these obsidian, brimstone, bloodspawn, wyrm's heart, pumice, and eye of newt, and dragon's blood

Watch out for purple or jet black pig iron, blaze eye of newts and dark brown bloodspawn - those are fake versions from the stacking exploit.

Lord Damascus

Stratics Veteran
Thanks for the response guys! Its a massive help.

Does anyone know about the silverware?

thanks in advance


Lord Damascus [-TN-]
English Chap - Top Notch


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There is a facing of silverware for each direction.

The list of rare Necro Regs is:
Wyrm's Heart
Eye of Newt
Dragon's Blood (green vial)