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Question on EM Item...

Black Majick

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Stratics Legend
Okay. A buddy of mine has the Relvinian Experimental Hair Tonic from Sonoma EM Season 3. Only issue with item is that it does not read the right title. Instead it reads a lesser explosion potion. Below are SS of what it reads and what it looks like. He has told me that he has paged to see if GM's can change title on it to what it is supposed to be but he has had not luck. I am curious as to how other folks have had there items fixed. I dont want some dumbass to come delete item though not know what it is and where it came from etc. How would you recommend that I go about getting it changed. I thought about PM to Jeremy, but with move and all might be pretty busy. Would you suggest to just page GM's til can find one that can help me??



I know that in some instances the GM's will help you with problems with your items depending upon what it is. For instance Xel Naga owned a Calm that should have had HCI on it, but did not. He was able to get a GM to place the mod on the item, but it took a fairly long time to have it all taken care of.

I recall that there is at least one other item that shares the same graphic as the hair tonic that this occured to. It maintained its unique color, but reads "A lesser Poison" or possibly another poison type. I'm assuming if the current owners, were able to have the title corrected they would have done so. Therefore it might not be possible to persuade a GM to correct it, if they even have the ability.


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Keep trying. It can take months to finally get through them. Page every day you can.

Nails Warstein

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Keep trying. It can take months to finally get through them. Page every day you can.

[/ QUOTE ]

It helped that I kept sending letters through the UOs website HELP feature, and one I started collecting names of GMs who said this will happen, and appealed to them personally it finally did... Only if GM Zilo were around, don't know who replaced him, but he knew how to fix such things.


When the GMs were supported by EA it was possible. But since all the GMs have been taken over by Mythic you have .000001% of getting fixed. The main reason is the GMs who were running the events also have been replaced. New GMs don't know and don't really care. I've only seen 1 such potion being fixed and its located in Orc's museum on GL. My potion Putrid Acid was also fixed and the only 1 I know of.


GMS can no longer alter attributes of items. They were nerfed when the switch went to mythic. The GMs I was dealing with for the calm took about 3 months to escalate the problem to the devs to have them finally fix it. This took 3 solid months of paging every day and PMing Jeremy.

Unfortunately I still have half my problem unsolved. 2 months or so ago GM Cevone took my 2 dungeon keeper gems and put them in a "safe place" and stated he'd place them in my LS house from my ATL house. Apparently he didn't know that meant it's on a different shard... So he's holding them until I either get a house on ATL or manually xfer a char from ATL to LS again. He wouldn't even place the gems in a house I owned on another one of my accounts, it had to be the same one.

Sadly, prior to that GM Sakinthlas broke one of my dungeon keeper gems trying to move it and reset the name to "Dark Sapphire" so hopefully those staff of monkeys can resolve it. I've been paging and pming Jeremy quite often now to claim my gems but it's most likely that GM Cevone and Sakinthlas may be fired? If so then I fear maybe my gems are lost in this "safe place" forever. Who knows with all the crap going on at EA atm. Hopefully they'll be able to replace the one they broke and place them either in a display box in my house or simply just plop em in a house I can sell them in heh.

But EA for customer service is a 0/100. GL staying in queue for a few months. Also even if a GM did manually rename the item I believe it would still revert back to that lesser potion name on server down.

Black Majick

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The guy who owns says he pages about once a month but gets told to go to the help website. Ill try getting into contact with Jeremy about it perhaps. I know would be nice to have it named right as I will be buying in near future from him (hopefully). Ill also tell him to page daily about it (that or see if I can hold item for a bit to page GM's about it). TY for replys.

Xel. I also remember reading about your gems and reason why I said I didnt want some GM to come and mess them up. Cool you got your calm fixed also.


In the case with the potion is not a simple one. While for calm what they do is destory the item and create a new one with the right stats, the potions needs a new command and only 1 Gm at the time knew how to do it. Otherwise, no matter how you fix it its just temperary and by the next server up it goes back to lesser potion name. Same with magical snowballs into a pile of snow. The default name overcomes any newly edited names.

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Then not even a worry about it then. Ill just leave along. TY for info Manti, Aspen, Xel, and others.