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Question: Multiclienting


Stratics Veteran

so i'm confused now and would love to have the "official answer" (tm) -

it is "legal" to log in multiple accounts (not afk, not scripting whatsoever, just both/all being played manually next to each other) ? legal, multiple clients on the same computer ? legal, one client per computer ? one client per IP ? what's the difference between "multiboxing" and "multiclienting" ? what's getting banned, what not ?
Please clarify, not going to find it out the hard way with multiple 20 years old accounts!

thanks a lot, don't hate, i'm not talking about PvP, Spawning or whatever, more like logging in your smith to repair your other account's gear, ...


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

so i'm confused now and would love to have the "official answer" (tm) -

it is "legal" to log in multiple accounts (not afk, not scripting whatsoever, just both/all being played manually next to each other) ? legal, multiple clients on the same computer ? legal, one client per computer ? one client per IP ? what's the difference between "multiboxing" and "multiclienting" ? what's getting banned, what not ?
Please clarify, not going to find it out the hard way with multiple 20 years old accounts!

thanks a lot, don't hate, i'm not talking about PvP, Spawning or whatever, more like logging in your smith to repair your other account's gear, ...
What you described is perfectly legal.


Legendary Merchant & Rare Collector
Stratics Veteran

so i'm confused now and would love to have the "official answer" (tm) -

it is "legal" to log in multiple accounts (not afk, not scripting whatsoever, just both/all being played manually next to each other) ? legal, multiple clients on the same computer ? legal, one client per computer ? one client per IP ? what's the difference between "multiboxing" and "multiclienting" ? what's getting banned, what not ?
Please clarify, not going to find it out the hard way with multiple 20 years old accounts!

thanks a lot, don't hate, i'm not talking about PvP, Spawning or whatever, more like logging in your smith to repair your other account's gear, ...
Here you go 8/10/15 Dev Meet And Greet On Atlantic Transcript (incomplete). Hope this puts your mind at ease :)



The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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when you see multiboxing in its true form you will never ask again what multiboxing is again.

when you see 1 guy run a pattern and then see 9 other guys run the exact same pattern on top of each other in lock step..... you will know what it is they are banning people for.


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Or be at an event and see 10+ characters dressed exactly the same, spamming the same spells in unison, lagging the server every time all those AoE spells go off simultaneously.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
it is "legal" to log in multiple accounts (not afk, not scripting whatsoever, just both/all being played manually next to each other) ?
It has to be. Otherwise there is no way that I'd manage to get caught up on crafting & do dungeon runs for stealables simultaneously. :)

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
It has to be. Otherwise there is no way that I'd manage to get caught up on crafting & do dungeon runs for stealables simultaneously. :)
You do understand that what you are describing is illegal because one of the accounts has to be unattended.


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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You do understand that what you are describing is illegal because one of the accounts has to be unattended.
thats not true.
i have 3 computers and 3 monitors all mounted side by side.
i always have at least 2 accounts going and a third if we are actually doing something.
be it parked on a supply beetle hidden or bank sitting to burn kills or running the peace mastery behind the sampires.
i can see all 3 screens and i can move and answer if asked a question.
totally legal and ive been doing it for..... i dont even know how long, a LONG time.
not saying that sometimes i have to prioritize and let one of the guys die while im dealing with something on one of the other comps, cause that happens, but if a GM pops in and says hi can answer him and its happened many times.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
thats not true.
i have 3 computers and 3 monitors all mounted side by side.
i always have at least 2 accounts going and a third if we are actually doing something.
be it parked on a supply beetle hidden or bank sitting to burn kills or running the peace mastery behind the sampires.
i can see all 3 screens and i can move and answer if asked a question.
totally legal and ive been doing it for..... i dont even know how long, a LONG time.
not saying that sometimes i have to prioritize and let one of the guys die while im dealing with something on one of the other comps, cause that happens, but if a GM pops in and says hi can answer him and its happened many times.
If you have a 3 clients running on 3 different computers then you are not multiclienting. Multiclienting is when you have more than one client running on the same computer.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you have a 3 clients running on 3 different computers then you are not multiclienting. Multiclienting is when you have more than one client running on the same computer.
Where's the difference? Or does it matter?
If someone is sitting in front of 3 clients, it is irrelevant, if they run on the same hardware or not.

Prize question: If I run 3 virtual machines on my computer, each VM runs a client, is it multi-clienting by your definition? :p

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Where's the difference? Or does it matter?
If someone is sitting in front of 3 clients, it is irrelevant, if they run on the same hardware or not.

Prize question: If I run 3 virtual machines on my computer, each VM runs a client, is it multi-clienting by your definition? :p
That is like saying 3 people signing on 3 accounts is then multiclienting. Do you get the warning when doing it on 3 different machines like you do when you do it on one, no you do not.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You do understand that what you are describing is illegal because one of the accounts has to be unattended.
If I am crafting 20 items for a BOD and then switching to another toon stealthing and walking around, I do not call that illegal. That is the same as hitting make as much dough as the tool will make and walking away for 5 min.

Are you calling the crafting menu a Macro?

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
If I am crafting 20 items for a BOD and then switching to another toon stealthing and walking around, I do not call that illegal. That is the same as hitting make as much dough as the tool will make and walking away for 5 min.

Are you calling the crafting menu a Macro?
It is a built in macro, what else would you call it. Technically as long as your char is doing anything you are suppose to be there just like all those AFK trainers in Luna beating on a pet


Grand Inquisitor
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Stratics Legend

This entire thread + the fact this is the 938,758,764,876,548,765,987,458,765,874,879,867,098,986,349,o50,216th iteration of the same damn question...which people still pancaking answer wrong.



Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
When I was actively playing I'd have Tanivar upstairs in the alchemy lab and Landreu downstairs in his workshop both busily crafting away with two clients partially overlapping on my desktop's wide screen monitor, often with a small movie window playing in one corner of the screen, changing tools and restocking supplies as needed. Rarely have had GMs pop in on me since I'm obviously tending both crafters needs.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It is a built in macro, what else would you call it. Technically as long as your char is doing anything you are suppose to be there just like all those AFK trainers in Luna beating on a pet
Am I being a bad boy now? Both toons are mine.

Somebody should page me.



Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

This is what MULTI-BOXING looks like. All the character names on the right are standing on the same tile killing the balron, the ones on the left are all on the one tile targetting and killing the mages.

They are all necros, and if you or anyone else even attempted to target ANYTHING in that room you couldn't as whatever 'script' was running was insta targetting way faster than anyone doing it manually could. Trust me I tried for 30mins one day trying to get the balron to target me so I could lure it off, no chance in hell of doing that. When one character in each pile moves they ALL move all casting the same spell. Frankly the Balron was dropping one every 30 seconds or less. The guy was raking in artis day after day after day.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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View attachment 80558

This is what MULTI-BOXING looks like. All the character names on the right are standing on the same tile killing the balron, the ones on the left are all on the one tile targetting and killing the mages.

They are all necros, and if you or anyone else even attempted to target ANYTHING in that room you couldn't as whatever 'script' was running was insta targetting way faster than anyone doing it manually could. Trust me I tried for 30mins one day trying to get the balron to target me so I could lure it off, no chance in hell of doing that. When one character in each pile moves they ALL move all casting the same spell. Frankly the Balron was dropping one every 30 seconds or less. The guy was raking in artis day after day after day.
Yep... though I tried to fix them by dragging the GD in from the other area... sadly it lasted about as long as the Balron.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend

This entire thread + the fact this is the 938,758,764,876,548,765,987,458,765,874,879,867,098,986,349,o50,216th iteration of the same damn question...which people still pancaking answer wrong.


Oh mighty one please impart your wisdom on us all.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Bottom line. If you're using software or hardware to send the same keystrokes and mouse commands to more than one instance of UO at the same time, you're cheating. Simply having more than one account and more than one instance of UO open is not cheating. There's really very little way they can tell it's even going on if you're not cheating. To them it would look like two people at the same house, at most.

Finley Grant

Grand Inquisitor
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View attachment 80558

This is what MULTI-BOXING looks like. All the character names on the right are standing on the same tile killing the balron, the ones on the left are all on the one tile targetting and killing the mages.

They are all necros, and if you or anyone else even attempted to target ANYTHING in that room you couldn't as whatever 'script' was running was insta targetting way faster than anyone doing it manually could. Trust me I tried for 30mins one day trying to get the balron to target me so I could lure it off, no chance in hell of doing that. When one character in each pile moves they ALL move all casting the same spell. Frankly the Balron was dropping one every 30 seconds or less. The guy was raking in artis day after day after day.
Still No Proof of multiboxing. Could be clever Scripts too


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
^ It's still clearly a script. It doesn't have to be multi-box though. Still cheating. I hope it was reported, if recent. They surely would ban that.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Here you go [bcolor=rgb(16, 16, 16)]8/10/15 Dev Meet And Greet On Atlantic Transcript (incomplete)[/bcolor]. Hope this puts your mind at ease [bcolor=rgb(16, 16, 16)]:)[/bcolor]

I love how she makes up those answers on the spot with little thought.

I presume that means I can run 10 accounts through macros as long as I'm attended? How does that differ from the average multi-boxer then?

But then we also all know it's nothing but some lip service. They might intentionally want to keep that line as blurry as possible.
Last edited:

Lady Kyo

Seasoned Veteran
I use multi-clienting to transfer items between my accounts when I can't find an honest friend to help.

Also, as an afterthought...I use the IN GAME macroing to train. As long as I am NOT AFK, this is acceptable, I am told.


^ It's still clearly a script. It doesn't have to be multi-box though. Still cheating. I hope it was reported, if recent. They surely would ban that.
I hope so too, unfortunately whoever is behind it would probably have another 30 accounts worth of necros ready to go at it again in a day.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
I hope so too, unfortunately whoever is behind it would probably have another 30 accounts worth of necros ready to go at it again in a day.
Doesn't matter, ban and ban again. It's gotta be quicker to ban them than create the accounts.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That is like saying 3 people signing on 3 accounts is then multiclienting.
How can 3 people playing with a single client each be multiclienting? Your logic is majorly flawed.

Do you get the warning when doing it on 3 different machines like you do when you do it on one, no you do not.
The warning makes the difference? LOL
Only the CC shows the warning. So if I start two EC clients or one EC and one CC on the same machine and log into two accounts to play simultaneously, it is not multiclienting then?


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
How can 3 people playing with a single client each be multiclienting? Your logic is majorly flawed.

The warning makes the difference? LOL
Only the CC shows the warning. So if I start two EC clients or one EC and one CC on the same machine and log into two accounts to play simultaneously, it is not multiclienting then?
And the winner is...tada not frodo.. lol lol.
I would actually wish that BS/EA would update their website so their customers could read what is illegal and what issen't.
http://help.ea.com/article/third-party-programs-approved-for-use-with-uo this link haven't worked for years so no wonder why people come to stratics to ask the same questions over and over..