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Question for the Ks


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
@Khyro or @Khaelor

Could PM you but others may find answer useful.

I finished my first PP Mare. Has AI Chiv.

I dont have 120 Tact or Anat. Or Parry


How much basic attack damage am I losing?

How much DCI will I be losing?

I have 214 points left, should I wait for scrolls and hope I dont drunk press the diamond or finish as is?



I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Also was going to make this one its twin.

I have no idea how I put 1200 Mana. UGH I haven't had a Margarita night since back from vacation.

Will have AI chiv. I can leave magic resist at 100.

What if I just used 110 or 115 scrolls? Will that cripple it?


I could just build same and have fewer HP. Thats 100HP worth of mana...


Stratics Veteran
@Khyro or @Khaelor

Could PM you but others may find answer useful.

I finished my first PP Mare. Has AI Chiv.

I dont have 120 Tact or Anat. Or Parry

View attachment 85454

How much basic attack damage am I losing?

How much DCI will I be losing?

I have 214 points left, should I wait for scrolls and hope I dont drunk press the diamond or finish as is?

115 vs 120 you won't lose much damage.

Parry chance would be 1% less with 115 vs 120 (19% vs 20%).

115 Tactics/Anatomy: Pet Damage Calculator | uo-cah.com

120 Tactics/Anatomy: Pet Damage Calculator | uo-cah.com

Pawain said:
I have no idea how I put 1200 Mana. UGH I haven't had a Margarita night since back from vacation.
@Khaelor may revoke your Legacy Training card for that one~


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Obviously he did not read my how to not mess up your legacy nightmare guide on our website~
I swear it said 600!!! And there's no way I put 600 points the second time because it was 400 at first upgrade.

Ill go with a couple 110 scrolls to make up. They will be fraternal twins.

Thanks for the math!


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The high Mana one is done. Still have 200 points. I have a 115 Parry on way.
