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question for the imbuers



how hard is it, to use potions, to enhance weapons?, the reason I ask is simple vial of vitirol gives the elemental slayer property, very cheap and easy for an alchemist to create 1parasitic potion 30 nightshade equals 1 vitirol:grouphug: don't let luna charge you billions of gold for it as in brit it's only 2gp per charge :lol:

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Stratics Legend
2gp? Where do you buy your parasitic potion?
I agree that many Luna vendors are severely over priced. But.
1 Parasitic poison potion needs 5 parasitic plants
1 vial of vitriol needs 1 parasitic poison + 30 nightshade.
Elemental slayer property requires 10 vials of vitriol - ie 50 parasitic plants and 300 nightshade, plus failures since parasitic poison is only a 70% chance to make at GM alchemy and vial of vitriol only a 20% chance.

I don't think I'd be far wrong in estimating a total cost in materials of double the basic amount. I don't know the prices on all shards, but I do know parasitic plants aren't cheap.


as far as parasitic, I make my own, have 2 gm alchemists, I control now


petra, the main, problem, with, the macroing lj's they throw perfectly good resources on the ground for weight, where I as a resource gathering lj save the frags and the plants, guess that's why my scribe can be cheap, most people don't see the true value of resources today bark is for blank scrolls plants and fungi are for poisons

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
On most shards I've found parasitic plants are quite expensive, however if you have a cheap source of them, I'm happy for you.
To a large degree I agree with you, Luna prices are unacceptably high on most shards, but an imbued weapon does cost several thousand gp to produce, so a reasonable return on investment can be asked.


sorry petra,I stick mainly to napa where, resource vendors are scarce in existance, and most persons have little to no idea of what the main resouces are for the latest upgrades,I have also noticed with napa to awaken the slumbering bears, it takes avery pointy stick poking the posterior regions of the lower anatomy :)


Former Stratics Publisher
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I do have to agree that reasonable resource vendors are rare on napa... I'm one of them.

And if things work out, I'll have the lowest prices in Luna. muwaaahaaahaaa!!!


ah dear, kirth, nice to see, the island kept winters foul grasp from, dampening your natural glee, beware hamburger, from anywhere you don't know the grading standards, hehe obscure zombieland reference, after 3rd viewing caught the statement at start from jesse eisenberg, it was aburger that had madcow disase that caused zombieland :D


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Kal... I gotta ask. And I'm not being snide or complaining... but...

Do you really talk like that IRL?

I love the Yoda-isms! :lol:

five oclock


btw so you are the one poking me with the stick..I was wondering about that..Besides all us bears are hybernating for the winter :p


after, more than afew beers, yes it drives the barflies away, most of them have no idea what I said to them, my friends are used to it if I miss doing it they think I'm angry


kirth, at this time of year, they expect, my crippled hide to be drug in aleg or arm short, as I tell them it's near spring, let's go out to the badger hole poke wolverines with my cane, none of them can outrun a30mph wolverine that just woke up and is very hungry it's good for alaugh for us middleaged guys to watch the 30 somethings think it over. :p


Former Stratics Publisher
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I saw a wolverine once in the wild... it stunk to high heaven, and was the MEANEST looking thing! But she had babies so it couldn't have been all that bad. The babies are adorable!

Next to possom, a wolverine is NOT something I wanna get to close to.

Howlin Wolf

You can't make vials of vitriol unless they fixed it. You can make the para POISON but when you try to make the vial it asks for para POTION. I wish they would fix this.