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Question for My Fellow Pacificans

  • Thread starter Connor_Graham
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0


I've been wondering...

With imbuing in the picture now, everything that is imbued requires the plain, everyday gems to craft. With everybody and their whole family buying up all of the gems from every jeweler in every town and thus jacking the prices of them up, would the imbuers of Pacific be interested in purchasing gems at a much lower cost than what is currently found at the jewelers? I can supply gems on a regular basis at a cost that would be slightly above what the base cost would be. The questions is, would you guys be interested in buying them, or would you continue to do whatever it is you're doing now to obtain them?


I tried doing this. I bought up tons of amber and citrine (the two gems required to 120 imbuing) at slightly more than base cost at server-up, and NOBODY bought them. . Frankly, its not all that expensive to just buy up the gems yourself, and especially for just working on actual weapons unrelated to skill-gain. . .

I think, if you were going to turn a profit from said business plan, it would be done by supplying the BULK quantities of gems required to WORK the skill. (Like I tried to) . Rich men like kyrite will gladly shell out the cash, if it means they don't have to go to the trouble of getting them by themselves.

Problem is, Connor, nobody will work imbuing. . "I have a friend that has an imbuer" seems to have become the default cop-out.


I bought mine from the Gypsies in Ish. With a bank right there at the camps, was really easy to load up. Not to mention half price of your Tram or Fel Jeweler. Didn't seem like I should look for bulk quantities on vendors with the ease of obtaining them.

However... if you build it, they might eventually come.


I take that back... The gypsies got nerfed... Just visited them in hopes of restocking jewels for half price. They are now normal prices??? Guess they were looking for another gold sink after all.


The gypsies have always had the same base price as any other jeweler. Nothing has changed with that.