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Question for EVERYONE



Please feel free to comment. Everyone. I juss need some input on this...

My question is about being an emmy, and what it means as well as their duties as a leader in the guild. Here's how I look at the position:

An emmy needs to be someone who is on a lot. Often enough to see what goes on on a daily basis.
An emmy is someone who has leadership qualities and can lead the guild in battle of any kind (pvp, pvm, quests, etc...)
An emmy has the ability to talk to people if any disagreements occur. Especially when the GM isn't on.
An emmy is someone of great knowledge of the game and is conversated with about which direction the guild should go.
An emmy should notify the GM at some point of any potential problems that arrise while the GM is offline.

That is what I view an emmy as. I may be asking too much I may not be asking enough. Please feel free to add any and all input please. I'm asking for everyone's advise on this.

Thanks in advance.


Former Stratics CEO (2011-2014)
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
In my guild (United We Fight), the duties and qualifications of our emissaries are similar to those you listed:

--Fully support the UWF Charter. An Emissary is expected to resign if he or she can no longer do so.
--Good people skills, to include patience.
--Mature sound judgment.
--Good communications skills.
--Good judge of character.
--Sufficient UO experience to be knowledgeable of UO processes and skills.
--Willingness and ability to lead hunts.

--Offer advice to the Guild Master, as appropriate or requested.
--Recruit members, ensuring that prospective members are 18 years of age or older and appear willing and capable of accepting the UWF Charter.
--Assist in orienting new members and making them feel welcome.
--Serve as an information resource for other members of the guild.
--Organize, oversee and/or assist in conducting special guild events and activities.
--Lead hunts.
--Set an appropriate example for guild members to follow.
--Inform the Guild Master or Co-Guild Master of player killer (pk) attacks on guild or alliance members. Take immediate action in the absence of the Guild Master to address the situation.

A Rev

In my main guild [not on sonoma] our emmies have a few duties.

1) Guild people

2) Boot People

3) Make up stupid titles for people when we are bored.

That is all.