Seeing all the lovely new things they've added brought this up - in about a month my acount will be 2 years old.
When it switches over, do I just get 1 vet reward pick? Or 4? I read the UO.com page, and understood it to mean I would just get 1, but then I see people talking about using "one of their picks" so though maybe each year you get the previous years amount +1? (so for me would be 4?)
Thinking on it, it made sense that I would get the previous years amount +1 - cos just a single pick for an entire year's subscription seems a bit "cheap", if you're going to give people 3 picks for just the first year =)
If it's just 1 I'm going to be bummed, cos I've got my hopes up now that it's 4
Thanks in advance for any help!
When it switches over, do I just get 1 vet reward pick? Or 4? I read the UO.com page, and understood it to mean I would just get 1, but then I see people talking about using "one of their picks" so though maybe each year you get the previous years amount +1? (so for me would be 4?)
Thinking on it, it made sense that I would get the previous years amount +1 - cos just a single pick for an entire year's subscription seems a bit "cheap", if you're going to give people 3 picks for just the first year =)
If it's just 1 I'm going to be bummed, cos I've got my hopes up now that it's 4
Thanks in advance for any help!