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Question about RP on Catskills


Stratics Veteran
I just recently returned to UO on my long time home shard of Atlantic and sadly, it seems RP is pretty much dead there if Stratics posts and my own observances are any indication. Used to spend a lot of time RPing at Poet's Garden.

I noticed that Catskills seems to have the concentration of roleplayers in UO. Is RP strictly scheduled events and do people only log on for those or is there “unscheduled” RP that occurs on a regular basis in the game as well? How active is the server in general?

Having played in a NWN Persistent World there was usually a mix of DM run stories, player run stories sometimes requiring DM involvement and then just regular player roleplay that happened naturally.

I’m contemplating relocating to this server if there’s a pretty active scheduled and unscheduled RP scene in addition to the usual hunting and PvM activities.

Maybe I’ll see you all around!
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Captn Norrington

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I'm from Atlantic, and you are completely correct. Most of the Atlantic roleplayers have moved here to Catskills over the last year. If your looking for RP, Catskills seems to be the best shard for it lately. :)

Aedon Durreah

Village of Aegis
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Stratics Legend
Cats has a mixture of both actually. Many of us here lead hectic lives and sometimes things must be planned out a bit. Most of the planning takes the place of bards nights, hunts or progressing story lines. But most nights you can log in and find someone hanging about one of the player towns. (I would check Olympus (PGoH), Skara ( Rangers of Spiritwood) or Yew.( Governor Gillian tries to plan things to do.)

There are many other active guilds about, and the towns under our Governors seem to be thriving. I do know Vesper, Brit and Moonglow and New Magincia all plan things as well.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
In my experience most of the RP is scheduled, with the occasional bit of unscheduled stuff mixed in, but I can only speak for myself. My recommendation is to make a character here and attend one or two tavern nights. The more people involved, the more active the RP scene.

Judas D'arc

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I agree with all of the above. Last night, for example, there was a scheduled EM event but it seemed like a lot of random interaction followed amongst different groups. The event schedule at the top of the page is a great resource to find when people will be on, and there are events almost every day. I would also recommend using ICQ if you have it as people, including a lot of role-players, still use it to communicate.

Noble Beast

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Stratics Legend
Personally, I stay as RP immersive as possible from log-in to log out. *grins* Most of us work and/or have families to tend to so having a schedule helps to coordinate peace for play-time.

I often pop into RP Chat Channel to listen; that can be a tool for interaction too. Welcome home!