Luck does not work as intended.. or at least as we all intend it. Luck does not do much at all for several instances such as treasure hunting and fishing for a fact.
I'm not exactly clear on how 'we all intend it' but can say with 100% certainty that it does work with treasure hunting. I have done literally hundreds of level 6 and probably close to 100 level 7 maps in the last 4-5 months without doubt seeing a difference using high luck.
Without luck I was averaging 1 good legendary every 7-8 t-maps. With a max luck suit I currently average 1-2 every 2-3 chests.
While the legendary items may not be something I can use every time, they are certainly dropping at a higher rate with less undesirable mods (cursed, 50 weight, etc,...).
I do believe the RNG significantly contributes to the 'hit or miss' outcome while doing t-maps but am quite certain luck works non the less.
I think the RNG may be responsible for much of the 'luck doesn't work' ideology. Players may not be happy with the quality of drops for the
luck they wear but again, I can say with 100% certainty that in a max luck suit it makes a huge difference specifically with t-maps.
I think it works about as good as the RNG which we all know is Bogus.
I'm curious how we all know the RNG is Bogus? I have not read anything concerning it's
bogusness (1st time I've had the opportunity to use that word... ever ! Thanks