Kinda new to NL just started a smith in Trinsic. I've GMed Smith,Mining, and Swords... just been registered for housing in Trinsic, haven't placed yet. Was just wondering how long do I have to place?
I'm still new to the shard and would like to explore... Is Trinsic the only place for housing? Thinking of taking up Tailoring next, so that's in another town it seems so if I place in Trinsic, can I move in the future?
Kinda new to NL just started a smith in Trinsic. I've GMed Smith,Mining, and Swords... just been registered for housing in Trinsic, haven't placed yet. Was just wondering how long do I have to place?
I'm still new to the shard and would like to explore... Is Trinsic the only place for housing? Thinking of taking up Tailoring next, so that's in another town it seems so if I place in Trinsic, can I move in the future?