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[Fishing] Question about fishing quests

  • Thread starter Mortimer Mouse
  • Start date
  • Watchers 1

Mortimer Mouse

Am I doing something wrong or is it totally random..I been doing these quests now for awhile like most only canceling the quest one time in the begining...I heard of people getting 2 , 3 and 4 part quests and I'm still getting one meaning 10 or 15 of a certain fish, crab or lobster. This morning I logged on to finish up my quest which was 20 captain snooks..Turned it in and accepted a new quest and went to 15 snappers..turned that in and got 10 king crab..turned that in and got another and the new quest asks for 5 rock crab...Is the amount suppose to be going down like this? I thought by now I would be getting 2 and 3 parts quests.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The more you do the higher the chances you get a bigger order. I still get one part orders fairly frequently.

Mortimer Mouse

Ok thank you, was just wondering...From all the bait I've counted seems like I'm on my soon to be 73rd quest with no cancels and still not seeing a big order...Just wanted to make sure I wasn't doing something wrong. :)


What is your fishing skill? At 100, I was getting multi part quests pretty early on. I have not done anywhere near 73 quests and already have 2 105 fishing scrolls, both from 6 part quests. If your fishing is at 100 and you have not been refusing quests, then I have no idea why you are not getting better ones. If it is lower, then maybe that is all you can get?


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Do you maybe use an old boat? One that can only hold up to 400 stones in its hold? Even a two-part-order wouldnt ever fit in, so its possible that the fishmonger keep giving you 1-part-ones becourse of your too small ship? (2 parts would request for a maximum of 40 fishes. Those have a weight of 400 stones and would fit but the crate itselfs weights another 1 stone.)


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What is your fishing skill? At 100, I was getting multi part quests pretty early on. I have not done anywhere near 73 quests and already have 2 105 fishing scrolls, both from 6 part quests. If your fishing is at 100 and you have not been refusing quests, then I have no idea why you are not getting better ones. If it is lower, then maybe that is all you can get?
On the character I have doing the turn ins for the quest, he has 0 skill and he has gotten several 5 line/part quest.