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Question about cities


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Stratics Legend
I've kept my account active for years, but there was a stretch when I didn't have time to play much. During that time period, apparently some of the cities on Napa were wiped out. Which brings me to a question:

What cities are still safe to travel to? Or, an easier question, what cities are *not* safe to travel to?

It would be nice to know which runes to move from my "cities" runebooks to the "unsafe cities" runebook, lol.


five oclock

Maginica is gone.

Brit is safe.

Wind is safe in fel and tram it seems like :D


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Obviously you, like me, recalled to Magincia only to be attacked ferociously by the undead.

Good thing I did such as my paladin... if my mage had gone first... heh...

There is a "safe" way off Magincia, down by what used to be the docks. Run like mad until you see sparklies... that is the goal.


They removed all of the souls from Magincia as of pub 63. Now it's just a barren wasteland, but not much danger.


Former Stratics Publisher
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They are gone?!?!?

*decided to visit Magincia*


brit, is haunted, by afew human chars still, kirth, you might see acouple running to and fro from the east to the northern side, most times should be myself at keyboard going along in adaze,I still travel the farnorthern reaches as athunter or gargoyle slayer up by the chaos shrine near wind I see it as filling the tomb of kings with more shades :)


Former Stratics Publisher
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I meant Magincia.... which.. is eerily empty of any living thing except for the mage near the blasted gate... who asks you to go take care of the undead... who are not there. (Defunct quest giver)

I know Brit is not frequently visited by citizens... I watched the decline of the crowds at the WBB. I still go there... if but for peace and quite.

five oclock

I meant Magincia.... which.. is eerily empty of any living thing except for the mage near the blasted gate... who asks you to go take care of the undead... who are not there. (Defunct quest giver)

I know Brit is not frequently visited by citizens... I watched the decline of the crowds at the WBB. I still go there... if but for peace and quite.
and Memories :D.


my, greatest joy is the very deserted wbb, as you can walk through town lowlag, only being accosted,by the occ escorts who also wish to leave brit behind :)