I'm curious about a couple things now =)If you leave the subserver during a champ spawn does your contribution reset?
You will not lose your spawn points if you leave the subserver during a spawn. However, if you are not back on the subserver before the Champion dies, you will have no chance of receiving the reward. As of Pub 58, all points earned will be wiped at the end of each spawn.
I always just assumed I could go to one of the champ spawns, and vaguely bash away, and eventually I would get a reward - but with this change in pub 58, does that mean I now *have* to be one of the top damagers in each spawn to even get that chance?
None of my characters are set up to be like that at all =( So what is the reason behind them being wiped at the end of each spawn?
Also, I noticed the other day, I was training one character at the spirituality spawn, gaining off wisps - never stayed with any other people there at all, just trained til I had to go to bed, then logged off.
Next morning when I logged on, I had the "title" from the spawn on my character, but she's never finished a spawn at all! Is that supposed to happen? I thought you only got title if you finished the spawn?
I'm new to all the spawn type things, so that might be newbie question, but so be it =P