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[Discussion] Question about a special spellbook



Like so many others I am an old school player just returning to the game. I never was much for rares or collectibles--that sort of thing just isn't what I like about UO.

I have, however, come to love IDOCing.

I recently got an IDOC that had a very strange spellbook in it. My friends and guildmates tell me it might be an illegal item. I'm hoping some of the collectors here will be able to shed some light on this for me.

It is a spellbook the exact color of a glacial staff. I mean really bright, neon blue. Not ToKuno dye Invul blue---much more vivid. When you mouse over it it dulls a bit, just like a glacial staff does. The spellbook isn't blessed like most others either.

I saw one of these for sell before on my shard for an insane sum of money--but the vendor wasn't shut down or anything (not that that fact means much). I just figured it was one of those rare dye-tub jobs that doesn't work anymore, but my guildmates are telling me it's more than that. One insists it's was illegal to make these but the GMs will let you own it if you have it (you just can't make em anymore).

Any ideas? Can I own this thing? Can I sell it? Is it super rare or just a dye tub job?

Thanks in advance for any help.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i believe it was a bug...you can sell it if you want to....i wouldn't call it a rare .....about 15-25 mil depending on the shard


Euh Glacial Spellbook duped worth only 500k at 1m the last year in Europa...


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If im correct it was actually a rare item only ONE true one given out. The rest out there well you know how that goes. But yes they currently are legal and been selling for around 20mil on ATL luna vendors so im sure u can sell it for around that price. If someone was trying to find a better price im sure they could just not in luna! :D