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Quest Heavy Advancement - Flawed and Broken


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have had enough of quest heavy advancement systems in MMOs. Occasional quests can be fun, but when quests are the primary (or best) method of advancing of getting gear, things fall apart. Mob grinding may be boring for some, but at least you are DOING SOMETHING. 90% of questing is watching your avatar's run animation.

This article goes into even more detail:

New Grind, Just like the Old Grind: Quest Heavy Advancement

What do you think? Are quests the greatest thing since sliced bread, or are they played out?


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think posting links to your posts on your blog defeats the purpose of posting on a forum, except as advertising, which is disallowed on Stratics.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
For small community publishers, posting may be advertising... but it is about the only way to get some sort of coverage from Stratics. But because readers do come to Stratics, posting an "advertisement" is the easiest way to get at least a little modicum of coverage here.

Most emails and PMs for news coverage go unanswered, unread, or just ignored. So a small publisher has to do what they have to do. It's not like Muckbeast is selling gold or power leveling. He writes a thoughtful blog and would like people to know about it. No harm there.

Just my 2 pesos.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
He writes a thoughtful blog and would like people to know about it. No harm there.

Just my 2 pesos.
Thank you.

Also, I am trying to create some discussion. Many forum discussions begin with a link to an article.

I am honestly interested in your opinions, and the opinions of other readers.

People posting opinions means traffic for Stratics, so its good for them too.